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Tuesday 10 July 2012

Temperature in Macedonia

Скопскиот регион (Скопје, Куманово, Свети Николе и Велес) и јужниот  (Штип, Струмица, Радовиш, Кавадарци, Демир Капија и Гевгелија) денеска, утре и задутре се зафатени со топлотен бран од портокалова фаза. Ви препорачуваме да останете дома во попладнените часови односно од 10Ч до 17Ч

Monday 9 July 2012

Why do bruises go through a range of colors before they fade?

Зошто модринките си ја менуваат бојата пред целосно да исчезнат?

MK>  Модринка е купче на крв во или над кожата. Кога вашето тело почнува да ги лекува овие модрикни односно да ја разградува крвта под кожата модринките почнуваат да си ја менуваат бојата. Всуштност хемоглобинот ја дава црвено-сино-виолетовата боја на модрика што се добива неколку минути после повредата. Кога телото прака бели крвни клетки да ја "излечат" раната таа станува зелена а потоа светло жолта. Пред да исчезне целосно модринката ке добие темна боја сиво-црна а потоа кожа боја. И тоа е процесот на менување на боите на модинките.

EN>A bruise is basically a puddle of  blood in/underneath the skin.  As the body begins to breakdown the excess blood the puddle will thin out, which causes the color changes. Bruises happen when something rams into you hard enough to cause capillaries or blood vessels to break, but your skin remains intact.  Bruise is actually the pooling of blood in one location under the skin.
The haemoglobin in the leaked blood gives the bruise its classic red-purplish hue. The body then ropes in white blood cells to repair the damage at the site of the injury, which causes the red cells to break down. This produces the substances that are responsible for the color changes.
The breakdown products of haemoglobin are biliverdin, which is green, and then bilirubin, which is yellow. Later, the debris at the bruise site clears and the color fades. It is the same process that disposes of red cells past their use-by date. White cells called macrophages break down defunct red cells in the spleen, liver, bone marrow and other tissues. Bilirubin is taken up by the liver, where it is converted to bile and used in digestion of food. It is bilirubin that helps to give faeces their characteristic color.

London handing out 150.000 condoms at Olympics

EN> London officials will give 150.000 condoms in total too all sport players that will take part in the Olympic games. There will be 15 condoms handed out to every person (10.500 total people).15 condoms or one for each day of the Olympics. From London we have gotten a reply : WE MUST hand out condoms in case the participants want some fun other than the games.

MKD>Лондон ке подели 150.000 кондоми на сите спортисти кои ке учествуваат во Олимписките Игри. По 15 за секој спортист , ке учествуваат отприлика 10.500 спортисти. Од Лондон велат дека мораат да ги раздадаат во случај дека спортистите би сакале друг вид на забава.

Sunday 8 July 2012

Drawing or Photo? (Pencil vs Picture)

Sketch artist Ben Heine is bringing his distinctive ‘Pencil vs. Camera’ visual inventions to London next month with three shows between October 6 to October 30, 2011.
Ben Heine In London
Ben Heine In London
Ben Heine In London
Ben Heine In London
Ben Heine In London
Ben Heine In London
Ben Heine In London
Ben Heine In London
Ben Heine In London
Ben Heine In London
Ben Heine In London
Ben Heine In London
Ben Heine In London
Ben Heine In London
Ben Heine In London
Ben Heine In London
Ben Heine In London
Ben Heine In London
Ben Heine In London
Ben Heine In London
Ben Heine In London
Ben Heine In London

50 years of James Bond

It was in 1962 that the first villain and enemy of James Bond Dr.No was defeated. Today there are many film statuses and props to prove the existence of one of  the longest lasting and predicted most profitable movie franchises of all time.
 Action movies and adventure movies of all kind have been popular in the box offices but no one will ever beat Bond which we can say has become a historic mark of filmography and of adventure movies such as all of the Bond movies made over time.
So whats next for James Bond. Will the adventures continue? Well if so than we can expect more (butt kicking) action but even if they do not the name of Bond has already been written on history.

Saturday 7 July 2012

The tallest building in Europe

On the 5th of July the tallest building in Europe was opened for business , The 69 floor building positioned in London will be available as office spaces, restaurants and clubs and cafes,The building of the tower refereed to as SAURON by Londoners took 3 years and 60 million pounds.

Night view of the building! Lasers from nightclubs.

Upwards view.

View from the 69th floor of the building. 
It is estimated that 1 million people will enter the building to climb to the 69th floor for sightseeing per year.